[ Scream In To Void ]


The Den of Worms

The Den of Worms is an esoteric adventure about entering the astral plane to save your dreams from being eaten. You will discover that the astral world is ravaged by a mysterious parasite whose only weakness is its consumption by Worms. To make progress through this world and find your dreams, you will have to hatch worm eggs, explore, learn spells, befriend inhabitants, and uncover the mysterious keys which unlock the special place of dreams: The Den of Worms.

The game is available for download on itch.io and Steam .

(choose your own price on itch.io)

The control scheme for Den of Worms is modelled after old-fashioned browser based flash games.
You only use the keyboard, so you place one hand on the bottom left row and one hand on the arrow keys.

Z = select
Shift = back, menu
X, C = items
T = talk
Tab = options

There are more hotkeys available to speed up menu access available via the options menu. Items are equipped by pressed either X or C in the inventory menu.
load txt file

Interview I did with the Art Techo podcast:

Screen Shots:

About me...

My name is Evan and you can check out my other sites here.

About the process...

I began The Den of Worms early 2017. I worked on it all through college+quarentine and released it a few months after graduation. Thanks to Adam Rokhsar for sharing his knowledge on shaders and for his advisement during the capstone process. Thanks to Cody for encouraging me and for diligently testing the game. I wanted to finish a game for once since I had many unfinished computer game projects all through middle and high school. My earliest excursions into games were in elementary school when I learned drag and drop programming in Game Maker 7.
The game is pretty much 100 ideas melded into one and it isn't always elegant. It was a long and painful process to finish. I sacrificed a lot of time I could have used to work on music, or to learn more employable skills. I no longer have the energy to promote this thing or try to give it life. It is a very, very dense project which is not easily accessible to a wide audience. The controls are confusing. The story is abstract and hard to understand. The world is overwhelming. The objectives are not clear. The graphics are janky. It is not easy to market at all. It is an intensely lonely game to play. But there is an incredible amount of depth and mystery to this thing that I hope might someday find a place somewhere. If not, that's ok. The process of making it was enough for me. I don't know if I'm going to make another game. I'm not sure if I can put myself through that process again. I have other things I'd like to accomplish first, at the very least.

The brand Scream In To Void is inspired by the action of doing something destined to not be seen.
I feel like I am screaming into the void.